The Kite Library ~

Coming soon – Images from a myriad of Kite Festivals & events in the UK and abroad.


Orange “Kite” TV Advertising Campaign, Brazil 1996


Festival Du Cerf Volant, Dieppe 2006


Archives awaiting editing and uploading……

Year Festival /Event Location
2004 Festival Du Cerf Volant Dieppe, France
2003 Muizenberg South Africa
1997 Bristol Kite Festival UK
2006 Festival Du Cerf Volant Dieppe, France
1998 Desert Kite Festival India
1997 Weymouth Kite Festival UK
Brighton Kite Festival UK
Blackheath UK
1997 Washington Kite Festival ~ The Lost Festival UK
Portsmouth Kite Festival UK
1997 New Zealand NZ
Lakes Entrance/World Cup Australia
Johor Bahru Malaysia
1997 Thailand International Thailand
Orange TV Ad Campaign Brazil
Millennium ~ New Zealand New Zealand
Lunen Germany
Detmold – Art Kite Museum Germany
1998 Festival Du Cerf Volant Dieppe, France
1999 Washington Kite Festival UK
2006 Festival Du Cerf Volant Dieppe, France
2000 Festival Du Cerf Volant Dieppe, France

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